Friday, March 22, 2013

graphing points.

today we are going to talk about how to graph points.Graphing points is realy easy and it dosent require anything but a graph and coradnits.cordinates look like this-(2,3)-They can be ether nege.itive or positive but let us stick with the positive.The graph looks like this.The graph could go forever.

Let us plot something.let us take the one that I used as an example.(2,3).So we always then up.So we go 2 across and then 3 up. There is our point.That is realy it so thank you.

Friday, March 15, 2013

rock cycle.

Today we are going to talk about the rock cycle. The rock cycle is the process that witch the rocks go through.This a picture of it.As you can see there is many ways that rocks can go.It is an endless circle.

I will explain it.Lets start at metamorphic.It can ether be melted or be turned into sediment.Sediment then squeezes together and becomes sedimentary.It then goes through heat or erosion.Once heated it turns back to metamorphic.And so on.

Friday, March 8, 2013

stand off

today we are battle pemdas vs. percent.This is the very time to decide witch is better.Nobody would ever know that this would ever happen.But fate has broght us to this momunt.

The advantages are that pemdas is a thing that you know what to do first, and it is an algorithm.P=parenthies,      E=exponents, M or D=multiplcation and divtion, A or S=Adding and subtracting.The disadvanteges are that it is confusing and it can sometimes be super long.

The advanteges of  percent are that there are magic numbers that can be very helpfull like 2,4,5,10,20,25,50,100,9 and 99.If it is any of these numbers then it would be very easy, like 1/2 would be 50% and so on.The disadventeges are that it is very hard to find the percent of a number if it is not 100.

Now vote on the side bar.Vote, vote, VOTE,vote,VOTE!!!!Please.