Friday, November 30, 2012

adding intergers


                adding integers

Today we are going to learn how to add integers.Adding integers is kind of tricky and confusing but I will show you how to do it.Adding integers means that you have to do problems like -9+8=?.The answer to that would be -1.When adding you must go up, but when you adding integers you must go down and then up.When you count negative numbers you count 5,4,3,2,1,0,-1,2,-3,-4,-5 and so on.See that you count up on negative numbers even though you are going down. So when you are adding you go down and then up. Do you get it?Answer on the side bar pool.

Lets do some examples.-5+9=?.So first we count down 9.-4,-3,-2,-1,0.Now we go up,But first we have to find out how many we have counted so far.We have counted 5.Now we count up 4.1,2,3,4.The answer is four.

Friday, November 16, 2012

multiplying integers


Today we are going to talk about integers. Integers are numbers that are positive and negative.  Multiplying them is just the same as multiplying regular numbers. Here is a chart that can help you.


key:  p= positive  n= negative
In this table, you read from right to left, downwards, or diagonal. So lets look at the first row across.
p x n =n 
The first column downwards is a similar math operation.
p x n = n
Going diagonal  
p x p = p
The bottom row 
n x n = p
The rest, if you go in any direction, will be one of the above operation.

Lets do an example.9(-11). First lets see if the answer is positive or negative. So the problem on the table would be,p x n =n. So the answer is negative. Now it is simple multiplication. 9 x 11=99. So the answer is -99.

Friday, November 2, 2012




Today we are going to talk about mode. The definition of mode is the most occurred number in a set of numbers. If two numbers occur the same number of times then there is no mode. Like if I had the numbers 5/5/5/5/8/8/8/8/2/4/9/6/4/3.There is no mode. there is four 5s and four 8sThat is mode

lets take the problem 5/4/6/7/8/9/1/2/3/5/4/6/5/4.There are one 1/2/3/7/8/9.two 6s and there are three 4s and 5s.The most occurred numbers would be 4 and 5. We can not have 2 modes so there is no mode. thank you.

tip, an easy way to remember mode is most occurred decimal in equation.