Friday, November 2, 2012




Today we are going to talk about mode. The definition of mode is the most occurred number in a set of numbers. If two numbers occur the same number of times then there is no mode. Like if I had the numbers 5/5/5/5/8/8/8/8/2/4/9/6/4/3.There is no mode. there is four 5s and four 8sThat is mode

lets take the problem 5/4/6/7/8/9/1/2/3/5/4/6/5/4.There are one 1/2/3/7/8/9.two 6s and there are three 4s and 5s.The most occurred numbers would be 4 and 5. We can not have 2 modes so there is no mode. thank you.

tip, an easy way to remember mode is most occurred decimal in equation.

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