Saturday, January 19, 2013


Today we are going to talk about minerals. The important characteristics of a mineral are being in the solid form, naturally occurring, definite chemical composition, inorganic, and having a crystal structure. Coal is not a mineral because it is missing  three of these characteristics. There are a bunch of tests you can do to find out facts about minerals such as streak, luster, color, scratch and fracture. Now lets talk more about mineral formation in nature. Minerals can take about 1000 years to be a inch tall grown. Some examples of minerals are rubies, diamonds, sapphires, onix, and emerald.
Each mineral stone has a place on the moths hardness scale. Diamond would be the highest at 10 because it is the strongest mineral ever found.The biggest diamond is a 432 carats diamond.Talc, on the other hand is on the moths scale at the lowest level 1. It can be easily scratched with a finger nail. All other minerals stays in between on the hardness scale. There is no level above ten but there is hardness values like 3.4, 9.9 and so on. Minerals can be worth more than  $10,000.We will talk a little more on our next post.

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