Friday, April 19, 2013

special post

 today we have a special post.I do one of these every 20 posts.As we all know Earth day is coming up.So I have come up with some ways to help the earth.Number 1.Try to pick up trash when you see one the ground.It is important that we keep our planet clean.Number 2.Try to recycle and reuse glass bottles and news papers.Don't put food scraps into the garbage, try to make compost out of it.Number 3.
Try to not drive the car as much and ride bikes instead.Number 4.You could plant a tree to produce more seeds to grow more trees.Trees are the source to our lives.Trees give us the shade we need and the air we breath.

And the most important,NUMBER 5.Do every thing you can to protect the earth.The earth is the place we live.We would all not be here with out it.It is our home that we must protect.The earth is the source of our food and water.So you see we must protect it.So get out and HELP THE WORLD.You can make a difference.

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